Haz un Calendario de Adviento en forma de Árbol
We have another addition to our advent collection. Check out this awesome mini gift collection!

De lo Mirco a lo Macro: Luis Eslava, IED y la Marca VELCRO®
Luis Eslava and students at the Instituto Europeo Di Design inventively took our products from micro to macro.

Asegura los Paneles Solares con la Marca VELCRO®
Our products are a Mr. Fix It favorite. But did you know we use it to help generate self-sustaining energy for our entire office? We call that a General Fix.

Termina Bien las Fiestas Decembrinas Organizando tus Adornos para Tenerlos List os para el Próximo Año
Before you can start on your new winter decor, put things in their proper place with these products.

Crea un Ajedrez Fácil de Llevar con los Productos Marca VELCRO®
We’ve got fun, summer activities in check. With help from our Sticky Back™ Coins, you can take your games on-the-go!

Deshazte del Desorden
We’ve made a name for ourselves by being infinitely useful. From keeping things connected to keeping them out of sight, VELCRO® Brand products will help you get organized and clear the clutter.